frequently asked questions
How do you find such exclusive watches?
Our network of partners around the world gives us access to the most sought-after luxury watch models. By choosing to deal with Honos, you save yourself the wait and the endless search.
How can I be sure that the watch I buy is authentic?
Our experts carefully evaluate each watch acquired to ensure its authenticity. Buying with Honos means buying with confidence. Our reputation has been earned through thousands of flawless transactions.
I want to sell my watch, how does it work?
All you have to do is contact us using our form. We will contact you to offer you a personalized service including the evaluation of your watch, pick-up and transactional.
How soon can I get the watch I am looking for?
Usually, we are able to find the desired watch within a few days. As soon as we have it, we will contact you to schedule an appointment for the pick-up.
In which region is your company located?
We have a point of service in Laval, as well as on the South Shore of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We also offer white glove delivery and international delivery service.